Beast Battle 6

Summoner Red Chomps the competition this week!

Summoned Beast:

Arguably the "cutest" of the creatures from Corpus Callosum, the Kari'bes are also one of the smallest, measuring in at a mere 2 inches long, which includes their inch long tails. Kari'bes have a dense layer of bristly hair which covers most of their body, and is so durable it can withstand both extreme heat and extreme cold. For this reason, the Kari'bes can be found in almost any region of the Corpus Callosum Realm. These tiny creatures are not to be taken for granted though, as their colony tends to swarm any attackers by the thousands and can easily take out animals like the Ytl'paups with shear numbers. Their large mouths, which are lined with tiny razor sharp teeth get the job done with piranha like efficiency. These attacks are rarely seen coming as the Kari'bes are able to run at amazing speeds and climb most any surface with their six legs and unique cross toed feet.

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